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Maudy Sibanda, 3 - Kalulushi, Zambia Maudy was born in a hut...
fot. mat. pras.

Fotofestiwal 2024. „Fotografia jest wszędzie” – pierwsza wystawa o fotografii dedykowana dzieciom

Maudy Sibanda, 3 - Kalulushi, Zambia Maudy was born in a hut in a small village close to Kalulushi, in Zambia. She grew up playing on the street together with all the other children of the village. There is just a simple school there, children are together in the same class from 3 to 10 years old. In the village there are not shops, restaurants, hotels and just few children are lucky to have some toys. Moudy and her friends have found a box full of sunglasses on the street some weeks ago and from that moment those sun glasses are their favourite toys.

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