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Matura 2014 z CKE. Angielski, poziom rozszerzony [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZE]

(opr. dem)
Matura 2014 z CKE. Angielski, poziom rozszerzony [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZE]
Matura 2014 z CKE. Angielski, poziom rozszerzony [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZE]
Matura 2014 z angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym. Podajemy odpowiedzi i publikujemy arkusze CKE. Egzamin z j. angielskiego maturzyści zdawali w środę, 7 maja.

Matura 2014 z CKE. Angielski, poziom rozszerzony [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ, KLUCZ] według natablicy.pl

1.1 effortless
1.2 catchy
1.3. advertisers
1.4. memorize
1.5. precision

zadanie 2.
2.1. (POSSIBLE) His help made it possible for our team to win the match.
2.2. (IF) Sarah acts as if she were (lub she was) a film star.
2.3. (MAKE) I couldn’t make out what she was saying as it was too noisy on the bus.
2.4. (LIKELY) A tight budget is likely to lower our living standards.
2.5. (RATHER) I would rather not spend so much money on holiday.

4.1. Dr Young started to work in the sanctuary before his father’s death. TRUE
4.2. Some of the locals are hired to protect the baboons living in the sanctuary. FALSE
4.3. There is a revival of interest in natural medicine among young people in Belize. FALSE
4.4. Dr Young is not satisfied with the higher education policy regarding natural sciences. TRUE
4.5. In his answer to the last question, Dr Young encourages the general public to support the sanctuary financially. FALSE

5.1. E. will not change consumers’ behaviour.
5.2. B. should have a more eye-catching design.
5.3. D. might be manipulated to mislead consumers.
5.4. A. enable people to avoid foods they consider harmful.
5.5. F. include too many details.

6.1. B.was expected to do it as part of her job.
6.2. D. easily got excited about local sights.
6.3. C. taken aback by the cost of the food.
6.4. A. made an unfavourable comment.
6.5. B. how her attitude to the ramblers has changed.

7.1. C. He was often impossible to find in an emergency.
7.2. A. That he had been reprimanded for his attempt to reform something.
7.3. B. the leak on the second floor
7.4. B. He asked one of the employees to handle the disturbance on the eleventh floor.
7.5. D. Peter McDermott

8.1. C. However, despite such minor incidents, things always came off peacefully enough.
8.2. F. The churning oars of the Oxford team narrowly missed hitting him.
8.3. B. The clash took the tip off one of the Oxford rowers’ oars.
8.4. A. In the confusion she stirred up, minutes went by before anybody realized that one of the oarsmen had collapsed after the race.

9.1. C. with
9.2. C. had gone
9.3. A. in the way
9.4. B. turned up
9.5. D. was a new bulb fitted
9.6. B. relief

Matura 2014 z CKE. Angielski, poziom podstawowy [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZE]

Matura 2014 z CKE. Matematyka, poziom podstawowy [ARKUSZE, ODPOWIEDZI, PYTANIA]

Matura 2014 z CKE - Język polski: poziom podstawowy [ARKUSZE, ODPOWIEDZI]

emisja bez ograniczeń wiekowych

Nie tylko o niedźwiedziach, które mieszkały w minizoo w Lesznie

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